Grab a FREE copy of NLI-10 this weekend!
NLI-10 is 100% free on Kindle from August 26-28. Get your copy now!…
Next month: the sequel to Footage!
The one thing that every review about Footage has in common is that is says “I wish it were longer…”
Well, in a few weeks, the story continues!…
All ABAM books FREE June 5-6!
I don’t think I’ve apologized enough for the release of Simon & Emily Are Going To Hell, so to make it up to you, ALL ABAM BOOKS ARE FREE this Sunday and Monday.…
FOOTAGE is out today!
The long (well, month-long) wait is over. The paranoia-laced, action packed tight thriller FOOTAGE is out now!…
‘Footage’ book trailer
Footage is a crazy roller-coaster ride of a thriller, and trying to pack in the intense paranoia and overall weirdness into a book trailer was pretty much impossible…
Testing Ground – free prequel to ‘Footage’
Footage is a tightly wound thriller, but it takes place in a much larger world than the novella can contain……
‘Footage’ book soundtrack
Another month, another book soundtrack!
This time around it’s mostly driving instrumentals, because Footage is a tense bastard of a story, and it pretty much doesn’t let up.…
Coming in May: dystopian paranoia a’plenty
May’s book takes us into the realms of science fiction once again, with a healthy dose of paranoia to boot. Welcome to the world of Footage.…
“I Hate Time Travelers” is available now!
The fourth BAM is officially out in the wild. Prepare yourself for a fast-paced heteroflexible scifi love story!…
I Hate Time Travelers book trailer
Once again the time has come for a gloriously cinematic book trailer!