
ABAM book soundtrack

“@” book soundtrack

Each BAM is essentially a movie in book form, and the playlists are set out as such, winding and weaving you musically through the narrative.

You can follow this link to listen to the book soundtrack in your Spotify app, or spin through it below.

The soundtrack for ‘@’ features a delectable selection, from my dear friends Stealing Sheep to newcomers Luna, who I discovered at the Loveless album launch (who’ll likely be on a soundtrack down the line). There’s also some MogwaiEmilíana Torrini, Dan Le Sac / Scroobius Pip / De La Soul, Die Antwoord, The Runaways, AC/DC and I think about 24 other tracks/artists that give some vibes to the story you’ll hopefully be reading in just a few weeks.

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ABAM writing about writing

Some background on writing “@”

This book, I’m ashamed to say it, was inspired by my own tweets…

That was it.  Two tweets, essentially the same run-on sentence that murmured and mumbled deep in subconscious recesses of my mind, ruminating and gestating whilst I slept.  Upon waking the next day I had a full 10 page outline for a screenplay.

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young adult twitter thriller @ book a month

“@” book cover & synopsis

“@” is coming out in just eight weeks, so here’s an advance look at the book cover, and a taster of what to expect between the pages…


At twenty-one Cassie is in a dead end job and has just been dumped, whilst her friends are succeeding at school or their careers, and compared to her, are generally winning life.

On a whim, she hands the reigns of her decisions over to Twitter, and at first her followers seem to be making her life better.

However, as the instructions continue, they become increasingly strange.  Soon she finds herself held at ransom, forced to commit crimes for an unknown party who seems to be stalking her at every turn.

With the lives of her friends and family at risk, she has no choice to play along.

But this isn’t the first time this has happened to someone like her.

And if she doesn’t find out who’s pulling her strings, she won’t be the last.


@” comes out on January 4th, but you can pre-order the book right now from just 99p / 99c!

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ABAM writing about writing

Welcome to ABAM: A Book A Month

It’s October, the clocks changed yesterday, and this project doesn’t officially launch for another ten weeks.  So, this post might be a little lonely up here for a while whilst I prepare for the first ABAM release of “@” on January 4th.

Perhaps I should give you a little bit of background on who I am, what the hell this is, and why it is *such* a bad idea.…

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