Get a FREE taste of In The Blood!

We’re just two weeks away from the release of a brand new serial – Lines Through Time

time travel thriller, time travel, scifi, science fiction, time travel mystery, time travel suspense

But the only reason Lines is coming out is because of the reaction from you guys after last year’s four-part serial In The Blood. That story skirted the line between supernatural and scifi, horror and thriller, and Lines is going to cross genres too – albeit in a totally different, time travel-infused fashion!

So, to celebrate the forthcoming launch of a new serial, this weekend – February 10th and 11th – you can get a FREE copy of the first book of In The Blood – The Blood Lives, to get a little taste of how my serialised work feels.

genetic horror; disturbing thriller; london scifi; dark thriller romance; british scifi; sf giants; supernatural thriller; genetic engineering; mystery thriller suspense; uk scifi; suspense thriller books; monsters; british thriller; British horror; dark thrillers; gory scifi; urban scifi; epic horror; scifi action; scifi england; london scifi; espionage thriller

Hopefully you’ll be on the edge of your seat, and ready to dig in to the whole thing!

Much love as always,

