The Freelancers is coming to a close, but The Circle series continues…

… with TWO new instalments coming soon!

The first arc of the urban fantasy  series The Freelancers is just a few weeks from coming to an end, and  hopefully it will leave you wanting more…

Snake’s Kin is the culmination of every plot thread that’s been left open-ended, tying them up neatly – whilst opening a whole lot more doors in the process… The response to this series has been great so far, and I can’t wait for you guys to read it!

But just because The Freelancers is wrapped up for now, doesn’t mean we’re done with that world…

The Circle continues…

As we close The Freelancers for the moment, we’ll be returning to the horror / thriller / action of Lovecraftian espionage agency The Circle – with two brand new titles that expand upon everything that was set up in Shadowmancer.

There’s horrifically gargantuan monsters galore, and more magic and mayhem than you can shake a wand at!


And that’s not all that I’ve got in store for you guys – there’s some scifi in my hip pocket to round out this crazy year… But more on that as summer comes to an end.