Scifi noir TOUCH SENSITIVE is out soon – let’s celebrate!
Celebrate the impending launch of the brand new Kindle Press scifi noir TOUCH SENSITIVE, with $100+ of free books!
I can’t believe it’s almost here… Hopefully you guys already have your pre-orders booked, and will be getting your copies on the 14th. If you’re still undecided, here’s an exclusive preview to get your juices flowing:
TOUCH SENSITIVE preview – mobi / pdf / epub
With a book like this, pre-orders are EVERYTHING – they prove to the publisher that it’s worth putting more into the author – so to make your $3.49 stretch just that little more, and to thank you guys once again for all your support, I’m giving away over $20 worth of my books for the 12 days around the launch, and around $100 worth of books from other authors!
There’s something for everyone, from scifi action to supernatural thrillers, and a whole stack of fantasy, so without further ado, here’s what you can get FREE over the next few week and a half:
FREE February 1-3
FREE February 3-7
FREE February 7-8
FREE February 8-9
FREE February 9-10
FREE February 10-12

And finally, around $100 worth of free fantasy books from 19 other authors, and a short story spun off fom Shadowmancer from moi:
FREE February 3-16

Hope you enjoy all these free goodies – if you do, please drop a review on their pages, always love to hear what you guys think of the books!
Once again, (and I hate to be all pluggy, but this is the most critical time for a new book…) if you haven’t got your copy of Touch Sensitive yet, don’t forget you can pre-order now!
Probably about time I went back to doing some damn work – catch you next time for some actual news about upcoming releases…