touch sensitive psychic detective scifi novel thriller novel supernatural romance thriller

Scifi neo noir TOUCH SENSITIVE out now!

After months of waiting – it’s finally here! Kindle Press have finally let my neo noir (with a dash of scifi) out into the wild!

“A thoroughly modern noir with a twist of scifi”

Touch Sensitive is the first BAM published by Kindle Press: a scifi thriller novel that just doesn’t let up.

The book follows a detective who absorbs memories by touch, and is packed with twists and turns, hidden manipulations and machinations, love and betrayal.
He lives in a world of nothing but moral grey areas, plumbs the depths of depravity on an all too regular basis, savouring the rare glimmers of hope for humanity.
But he’s not the man he once was before he could know the darkest secrets with the briefest of skin contact. He’s seen the very worst in people. It will take his whole world turning on its head to make him find the light again, amidst all that filth.

 Kindle – UK Kindle – US


FREE short story prequel: ‘A Sensitive Time’

scifi novel touch sensitive psychic detective scifi novel thriller novel supernatural romance thriller

To get you in the mood of what to expect in Touch Sensitive, here’s a stand-alone story that takes place in the world of the novel. In around 2000 words it will take you on the journey of just how crappy Sensitivity can be, turning the most beautiful, hopeful moments, and ripping them to shreds in an instant.

But, y’know, hopefully it’s an entertaining read, despite the dark, depressing subtext of it all…

Amazon iBooks Kobo Nook –  audiobook MP3

“Sam Spade as re-told by Philip K. Dick, with a splash of Vonnegut and Atwood”


Touch Sensitive soundtrack


Hopefully all these goodies have whet your appetite for the novel – which is available now!

 Kindle – UK
Kindle – US

Can’t wait to tell you what I’ve got in store for you next month – it’s going to be biiiiiiig!