Touch Sensitive has a new cover…

So far I’ve been showing off the original bawdy, bloody cover for Touch Sensitive – one that had to change.  Come see what it looks like now…

By now, you’ve probably seen the original guy dotted around the site, tweeted and Facebooked and what have you. I was kinda fond of it, despite how trashy and on the nose it is about the high concept. You’re hardly going to look at the cover below and go “Um, what is going on?”

touch sensitive psychic detective scifi novel thriller novel supernatural romance thriller

However, Kindle Press are pretty specific with the guidelines of what they let out with their name on – frankly I’m surprised I got picked up at all, given that they’re adverse to weapons, violence or gore being depicted on their covers.

Seems I *really* didn’t read the small print.

Luckily, they didn’t hold that against me, and we should have the release date soon. Which brings us to the cover that I knocked out for the new and improved, more mysterious, less duh-doy obvious version of for Touch Sensitive :

touch sensitive psychic detective scifi novel thriller novel supernatural romance thrillerPretty fun, huh?

Hopefully that reads as police tape for the title, and a fingerprint for the silhouette of the woman… Now that I look at it, after looking at it for weeks, it kinda feels like the Westworld maze.
Don’t think about that too hard. In fact, forget I ever said anything.

Alrighty. I’ve got to go and try to write something. Been sick as a damn dog all week, and barely been awake for longer than an hour at a time, so I’m at least 50k words behind where I thought I’d be by the weekend.

Happy weekendings to you.