young adult twitter thriller novel @ book a month

Grab a free ebook copy of ‘@’ this weekend!

The technothriller that launched this monthly book-writing insanity is free from the 19th-21st August!

Grab your free ebook copy straight from Amazon:

Kindle edition (UK)
Kindle edition (US)

Finished reading ‘@’ by @Lee_Isserow and wow I must say that it’s one of the best books I’ve read in a while! 6/5 ? I stayed up until 6am



I just finished reading ‘@’ and couldn’t put it down!
Really creative story based on what could be true events in our social media led society.
I really enjoyed it, and if you’re into mystery /thrillers recommend you give it a go!
Mia J, Goodreads

‘@’ Soundtrack:

Every BAM is a book-movie, so every BAM has a soundtrack. You can follow this link to listen to the playlist in your Spotify app, or spin through it below.


Kindle edition (UK)
Kindle edition (US)