“NLI-10” pinterest board
Delve into the real science behind the upcoming BAM ‘NLI-10’.
Sure, a lot of the science in the forthcoming cyberpunk thriller might be a flight of fancy, but we’re closer to many of the technologies used and mentioned in NLI-10 than you might expect…
Follow Lee’s board “NLI-10” scifi cyberpunk thriller on Pinterest.
As always, don’t forget you can pre-order NLI-10 and have it delivered on launch day, March 7th, with the handy links below.
Swing back around next week for an exclusive short story prequel to NLI-10, and soonafter that, the video trailer.
See you next time!
Amazon UK pre-order offer: 2.50 99p!
Amazon US pre-order offer: 2.99 99c!
Kobo pre-order offer: 2.99 99c!
Nook pre-order offer: 2.99 99c!